在 Appier 的首週 / The First 7 Days at Appier
前陣子為了尋找、抉擇工作而感到相當焦慮,之後終於安定妥當後,心底萌生了點成就感,而想與大家分享點那時的累積(成長 / 經驗),到了今天,算是正式底定。上班了一個禮拜,在此寫下些文字。
I've been very anxious while looking for a job earlier this year. After a while, I decided to join Appier, and I have shared some experiences which is helpful and valuable to me while deciding the job thing. Now, everything's settled and I've worked for a week, so I would like to noted down something here.
I wrote an English version following to the Chinese version, to practice my English!
不論如何,5 天過去了,我大略熟悉了辦公環境、CM Team 的夥伴與其他部門的同事,和公司週遭的狀況。當然,我還需要更多的時間,才能對這家公司、產業、作業內容等有更深入的了解。
CM? 這是什麼東東?
CM = Campaign Manager
首先,Appier 是一家廣告科技公司 / Ad Tech Company,透過人工智慧與即時競價的技術,提供跨螢幕的精準行銷。
CM 的功能,即在於了解客戶的預算與目標,使用公司開發出來的產品,來優化各個網路廣告渠道的成效,最終達成精準的行銷。
英文版在此。Here comes the English version:
In a rush
I came into this company in a rush. Before I am officially on board to Appier, I flied to Austria for a trip for two weeks immediately after my retiring from my substitute service. This is a quick shift for me.
There are 3 other people on board on the same day with me, and it's good to have some company when joining a unfamiliar environment.
Training courses filled up our first week, and the great amount of new information really exhausted my brain. Since my life has been simple and easy for the last year, which is totally different from Appier. Appier is in a fast-changing industry, and the company is changing, too. All in all, there's a lot for me to adapt.
Also, everyone seems so skilled and experienced, except me. This situation made me anxious especially, wondering that there's a long way for to catch up.
Be Brave
There's no time for me to think carefully about everything. Though some question is still important, like the purpose of this work, the meaning of it or the reason that I came, I really need to focus right now. I have to be ready as soon as possible, in order to get familiar with this place, understand the flow, and having the influence to shake it.
Will the new environment changes me? Definitely. Will the outcome be positive or negative? I don't know, good and bad always comes at the same time. I'll just let the future me to decide. For now, I only need to be brave.