We Love Cuz We Understand

image Love flourishes, value is formed and people start to care more when there is understanding.

Three people share the same thought.

"When we really see each other, we want to help each other." — Amanda Palmer, Ted Talks

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them.... I destroy them.” — Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game

And the third person is me.

Understanding is important. Love, trust and careness build on the strong basis of understanding. That is where connection begins.

Suggestion to Feedly

Dear feedly Team, I really like feedly, and it’s already part of my daily life now. Recently, as I were considering to subscribe to feedly Pro, I digged into some people’s reviews on the Internet, and I found some helpful suggestions that can help you to grow your feedly Pro’s subscribers.

The problem is, while visiting feedly Pro’s showcasing page, people perceived that they are buying goods, which means they would assume to get something in exchange with their money. So they think, will the goods worth the money I paid?

feedlypro_top(This is the top of feedly Pro’s showcasing page's design, people to see the highlighted subscription fee first.)

When considering the concept of worth, people would like to collect lots of information about goods’ information like its specs, materials or similar substitutions to compare. However, feedly Pro’s service is not common. It’s not like toothbrushes, which you can have lots of brands, manufacturers, models to choose from, and you can compare all the toothbrushes including their sizes, materials and prices. So the idea of worth is not so easy to get of feedly Pro.


(These services/goods are not easy to compare with others.)

I am here to proposed a better way to showcase feedly Pro, thus to drive in more subscribers.


Put feedly's belief, like “Speed, Openness, Creativity,” the words you showed on about page, as the heart of feedly's Pro service. Make friends with feedly’s users by telling them what you believe, the reason that this project start and make your team keep moving.

Also, frame the problem, and suggest feedly as the answer. Showcase feedly in a context, not a standalone tool that jumps out suddenly. Let the words slip into people’s mind ahead of the price tag, slow down the process and engaged with people deeply.

For Example

Let me draft a sample here, for your reference:

Have you ever feel exhausted with the extreme scale of the information? Always so much to digest, but so little time for yourself?

We saw that problem, and we are feeling the same here. That is why we built feedly, to bring everybody's life back. Our team have been working on this project up to three years, we’ve gathered specialist from various fields to carry out the amazing magical tool, feedly.

We believe that with feedly, you can

  • organize and consume all the information easily, meaning speed;
  • use your pen as weapon, to spread things that worth spreading, bringing openness to the world;
  • form knowledge based on healthy digestion of information, cultivating a friendly environment to creativity.

If you share any bit of the thoughts with us, we would like to invite you to stand together. Let's live with order, instead of chaos.

Join feedly's membership now to be with us, and fight this meaningful battle for our better living. Based on the foundation of everyone's support, feedly would overcome any challenges lies ahead, bringing the best service to our friends.

Just $5 for one month membership or $45 for a year for the whole-heart giver like you, feedly team would like to share a warm hug and additional selected features with you.

Or, for our dearly truehearted contributors, you can choose $3 for one month membership or $25 for a year. You will have our warming hugs, also comes together with three additional selected features, which you can choose according to your need.

All in all, you are the reason why feedly is here, great thanks for everyone who scroll all the way down here! Cheers, my friend!


近來對於如何影響社會並使其更加美好,有些更深入、完整的想法,因此寫下這篇來整理,試圖用一個清楚的方式來呈現我的理解與計劃,算是我對於未來的思索(參考:〈 About the Fututre 〉)的延伸,亦是在參加完「政治:起造工作坊」的一個總結。



  • 我想讓____變得更加美好
  • 讓更多的人,活得更加美好
  • 美好是可以塑造的
  • 何謂美好?








怎麼做 Part II:塑造怎麼樣的涵養?




怎麼做 Part III:如何影響人們的信念?


教育? 寫作? 創作?

讓內容發散。 讓內容自發地使人接收、闡釋並散發。

About the Future

我也許沒有辦法繼續參加多場運動。也許也沒有需要繼續參加。我在其他地方可以/應當有更多的發揮。 台灣人面臨諸多的問題,而我試圖辨別出重要的根源並加以處理,然各種因素其實互相影響、牽扯。但我想,許多問題作為表徵呈現在眼前,其實是互為表裡的其中一面,映照的鏡像反射。








feedly 讓你 資訊一把罩!

現在就開始使用「 Feedly 」,給自己 "超豐盛" 而 "有深度" 的自動訊息套餐吧!

Feedly Logo

還在 Yahoo 上看新聞嗎?或是從我的最愛裡頭打開一個一個的網站?其實,在資訊發達的現在,你有更好的選擇!

舉例來說,當你外出用餐時,你可能會挑選一家還不錯的 餐館 A 店 然後走進去。你選擇 餐館 A 店 的原因是,它有許多你喜歡的菜色,雖然這家店的菜單中有一部分是你不一定喜歡的,又或許 隔壁的 餐館 B 店其實也有不少你愛吃的菜,但基於 餐館 A 店 與你的品味與當下的欲望有相當程度的一致性,所以你決定在 餐館 A 店 用餐。

餐館 X 店,一站式服務

如果今天有一家 餐館 X 店,它的菜單,提供你其他的店(從 餐館 A 店、餐館 B 店 到 餐館 N 店)裡頭所有你喜歡的菜色,但撇除你不怎麼喜愛的部分。因此,你可以在 餐館 X 店 吃到整條街上各家店中你愛吃的菜,每次用餐時,你只需要走到 餐館 X 店 即可,反正菜單上都是你的最愛,隨便點都是符合你口味的食物,多簡單,多開心。


每天在網路上閱讀新聞、文章方面,其實也有這樣的 餐館 X 店 存在,讓你不用來回奔波、費心思量,打開一個頁面就好,所有的訊息都讓你一掌握。在此,隆重的推薦「feedly」!


立馬註冊:http://feedly.com 上手教學:http://www.playpcesor.com/2013/03/feedly-google-reader.html